Photo credit: Leigh Zimmermann
The four Sea Grant Programs in the Gulf of Mexico region, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, and the Consortium for Ocean Leadership jointly co-hosted an outreach workshop at the 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science conference on February 1 in Tampa, FL, called Sharing Oil Spill Science with Non-Scientists: Effectively Communicating Complex Research Results through Outreach and Education Programs.
The workshop brought together outreach professionals in the oil spill science community to provide them with information and resources on techniques for sharing science with non-science audiences, tools and technologies for sharing information including social media, documentaries, webinars, and short films, and assessment and evaluation techniques for evaluating outreach programs. Breakout sessions gave the audience members an opportunity to discuss outreach methods and challenges when addressing a variety of audiences, including the general public, the media, K-12, and the fishing community. The workshop report includes a summary of those breakout sessions, slides from the PowerPoint presentations, and additional resources provided by the workshop speakers and panelists.
Click here for a copy of the Workshop Report.

Photo credit: Leigh Zimmermann