Podcasts generated by or featuring GoMRI projects, consortia, and research.

The Loop podcast takes a deep dive into the Gulf of Mexico with the researchers studying the processes, mechanisms, and impacts of oil spills. Researchers from the Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems (C-IMAGE) discuss their studies with David Levin of Mind Open Media. C-IMAGE is an international research group studying mud, Read More

Dr. Kait Frasier recently appeared on the show to discuss how she uses marine mammal sounds to determine which species were present during the Deepwater Horizon spill and how they are functioning in their habitat present-day. Episode Summary (via Dispatches from the Gulf on Soundcloud): “Dr. Kait Frasier (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) is a pioneer in bioacoustics. Read More

Dr. Mandy Joye recently appeared on the show to discuss her research on the ocean’s microbial “worker bees,” which carry out critical processes that keep the ocean healthy, and their reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Dr. Frank works with the consortium’s crustacean team studying creatures such as crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and krill. She speaks about her research and shares why getting a job as an aspiring female scientist was very challenging.

Communicating oil spill research is essential to improve society’s understanding about spills and their ability to respond to and mitigate them. The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) has been funding spill-related research since 2010. Here are ten outstanding education products and resources that GoMRI and its science community have developed to share what they Read More

Dr. Jeff Chanton recently appeared on Minnesota Public Radio’s Climate Cast podcast to talk about the ongoing Aliso Canyon methane gas leak and why methane is so destructive. You can listen to the full interview here under the heading “Climate Cast; Methane leak causes state of emergency in California.” Link to ECOGIG’s website for more information.

WUSF’s Steve Newborn talks with two scientists who are involved in the study, Dana Wetzel of Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota and Ben Prueitt of the Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (C-IMAGE) research consortium. The study could have lasting impacts on our knowledge of how oil and dispersants used during the Read More