Major lakes and waterways in the Breton Sound estuary. Numbers refer to water testing locations along sampling route. Image: LSU
The Mississippi River Delta region, including the Breton Sound estuary along the southeastern coast of Louisiana, is both environmentally and economically important. The swamps, bogs and marshes of this region account for 40% of all the wetlands in the lower 48 states. Unfortunately,
these habitats were put in harm’s way when oil from the Macondo well began washing ashore. Scientists from Louisiana State University closely monitor water quality in the Breton Sound estuary and have expanded their efforts since the oil spill.
Classroom Activity: Water Quality on the Web
The internet is a valuable source for scientific data available to the public. In this lesson, students will access water quality information about Mobile Bay, a body of water that shares similar characteristics with Breton Sound. They will learn how to interpret the data provided and gain a better understanding of how water quality impacts a habitat.
Breton Sound Estuary_Water Quality – PDF 1.6MB