C-MEDS Consortium: Education and Outreach


The Consortium for the Molecular Engineering of Dispersant Systems (C-MEDS) is a research collaboratory involving 43 investigators from 22 universities in the US. The Consortium is based on the premise that dispersants are an essential aspect in the effective management and mitigation of large oil releases from deep ocean environments.

A key aspect of the Consortium’s activities will be a coordinated education and outreach program. This will involve research experiences for undergraduates, a teacher training program that will bring knowledge of dispersant technology to K-12 education, and strong efforts for community outreach to inform local communities about the science and implications of dispersant use. A coordinated summer research program will be implemented that is modeled after the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation in Research Program.

View C-MEDS-generated education products!

C-MEDS Outreach Site