The Deep Sea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Deep-C) Consortium released a series of publicly available and easy-to-read fact sheets detailing their scientific research and outreach initiatives:
Science: Deepwater Corals
What are corals? Where and how do they live? What are the threats to Gulf corals? Click here to download.
Science: The SailBuoy Project
Experimenting with a new marine device used for scientific observations in the Gulf of Mexico. Click here to download.
Science: Deepwater Sharks
Information about the bluntnose sixgill shark, one of the most common species in the Gulf. Click here to download.
Science: Tiny Drifters – Plankton
What are plankton? Why are plankton important? How did the oil spill affect Gulf plankton? Click here to download.
Science: Oil-Eating Plankton
Naturally occurring microbes in the ocean feed on the hydrocarbons in oil. Click here to download.
Science: Oil Fingerprinting & Degradation
What is oil? How does oil “weathering” occur? And what can oil samples tell us? Click here to download.
Outreach: Gulf Oil Observers
Deep-C’s citizen scientist initiative connecting high school students to ongoing oil spill research. Click here to download.
Outreach: Scientists in the Schools
Interactive visits to middle school classrooms by Deep-C scientists and educators. Click here to download.
Outreach: 2015 Annual ROV Training & Competition
Students from middle and high schools vying for ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) domination. Click here to download.
Gary Finch Outdoors produced a series of videos highlighting various aspects of the Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) program, its science, and the important partnerships necessary to make ECOGIG successful. Many of these videos were used by local PBS affiliates in Gulf coast states and were available through the ECOGIG website and YouTube. All videos listed below were developed and produced by Finch Productions, LLC.
What Does ECOGIG Do? (PBS Part 1) (2:20)
Scientists aboard the research vessels R/V Endeavor and E/V Nautilus briefly describe the nature of ECOGIG research.
Collaboration Between Nautilus and Endeavor Tour (PBS Part 2) (2:06)
ECOGIG scientists discuss the research they are conducting on a recent cruise aboard the R/V Nautilus and E/V Endeavor.
ECOGIG R/V Atlantis/ALVIN Cruise: March 30-April 23, 2014 (2:00)
Researchers describe the crucial importance of ALVIN dives in assessing the ecosystem impacts of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.
Deep Sea Life: Corals, Fish, and Invertebrates (4:30)
Dr. Chuck Fisher describes his research examining the fascinating and long-lived deep sea corals impacted by effects of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.
The Eagle Ray Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) News Piece (5:12)
ECOGIG scientists use the Eagle Ray AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) to map the seafloor and get visuals so they can better target their sample collecting for study. The National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology (NIUST) provides the submersible.
(Full Length)
(Shortened News Piece)
Food Webs in the Gulf of Mexico (4:30)
ECOGIG scientists Jeff Chanton and Ian MacDonald, both of Florida State University, explain their complementary work exploring the possibility that hydrocarbons from oil have moved into the Gulf food web. Chanton, a chemical oceanographer, tells of a small but statistically significant rise in fossil carbon, a petrochemical byproduct of oil, showing up in marine organisms sampled from Louisiana to Florida. In addition to the hypothesis that Deepwater Horizon oil might be the culprit, biological oceanographer MacDonald discusses other factors that could also be at play, including coastal marsh erosion, natural oil seeps, and chronic oil industry pollution. This is a Finch Productions, LLC video. For more information, visit ECOGIG.ORG.
Landers Technology Development (4:30)
Most of the area around the Deepwater Horizon spill ranges from 900 – 2000 meters below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. ECOGIG scientists Dr. Chris Martens and Dr. Geoff Wheat talk about Landers, a new technology developed at the University of Mississippi that allows scientists to study the ocean floor at great depths. Landers are platforms custom-equipped with research instruments that can be dropped to the exact site scientists want to study and left for weeks, months, or even years to collect ongoing data.
Marine Snow (4:30)
Dr. Uta Passow describes research she and her colleagues Dr. Arne Dierks and Dr. Vernon Asper conduct on Marine Snow in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil released in 2010 from the Deepwater Horizon explosion floated upwards. Some of this oil then sank towards the seafloor as part of marine snow. When marine snow sinks, it transports microscopic algae and other particles from the sunlit surface ocean to the dark deep ocean, where animals rely on marine snow for food.
Natural Seeps – Geology of the Gulf (4:30)
ECOGIG Scientists Dr. Joe Montoya, Dr. Andreas Teske, Dr. Samantha Joye, and Dr. Ian McDonald describe their collaborative research approach while preparing for the Spring 2014 cruise aboard the R/V Atlantis with research sub ALVIN. Long-term sampling and monitoring of natural oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, a global hot spot for these seeps, is crucial for understanding the impacts of oil and gas from explosions like Deepwater Horizon.
Remote Sensing & Modeling (4:30)
ECOGIG scientists Dr. Ian MacDonald and Dr. Ajit Subramaniam describe their work monitoring the health of the Gulf of Mexico via remote sensing. Using images from satellites and small aircraft flown by volunteers, MacDonald looks for signs of surface oil, which could be the result of a natural seep, anthropogenic seeps (chronic oil leaks from ongoing drilling operations), or a larger spill like Deepwater Horizon. Subramaniam uses the changes in light in these images to help him understand what is happening below the sea surface, with particular focus on the health of phytoplankton populations that make up the base of the marine food web. This is a Finch Productions, LLC video with additional footage provided by Wings of Care, a nonprofit that assists with volunteer filming operations.
ROVs in STEM Education News Piece (4:30)
ECOGIG’s Dr. Chuck Fisher describes the use of ROVs in researching deep -sea corals in the Gulf of Mexico, and Ocean Exploration Trust’s Dr. Bob Ballard explains the powerful impacts of ROVs in STEM education, as shown during a recent visit onboard the EV Nautilus by members of the Girls and Boys Club of the Gulf region.
These videos were developed to demonstrate research aboard the E/V Nautilus.
ECOGIG in 60 Seconds
Dr. Katy Croff Bell, Chief Scientist of the EV Nautilus crew, explains the mission of ECOGIG.
Imaging Deep-Water Corals (Nautilus Live)
As part of the ECOGIG project, the E/V Nautilus made its way to the site of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill to image affected corals. Using the ROV Hercules’ BEAST CAM, the scientists are able to capture extremely high resolution pictures. These pictures will be used to show change over time and growth rate.
ECOGIG and EV Nautilus Inspire Kids with ROVs
“It was really cool, because I want to be marine biologist when I grow older. So being able to see this and experience the boat and the submarines and how to work them and stuff like that, it was eye awakening. I really want to do this now.” As the Nautilus prepared to launch for a corals research cruise, led by Dr. Chuck Fisher, nearly 200-members of the Boys and Girls Clubs walked on deck to see how the remotely operated vehicles are used for deep sea research. They also built and tested their own miniature ROVs.
Nova Southeastern University master’s student Dawn Bickham assists with the shipment of coral colonies to the Florida Coral Disease Rescue Project. (Provided by Abigail Renegar)
Coral reefs provide food, shelter, and habitat to thousands of
organisms living in the Gulf of Mexico. However, their vulnerability to
physical and toxicological damage increases corals’ risk during
environmental disturbances, particularly in shallow water where dangers
from coastline proximity include wastewater pollution, moving sediment,
salinity and nutrient changes, scavengers, and boating and fishing
Much research after Deepwater Horizon focused primarily on
community-level impacts to corals in areas affected by the oil spill. A
Florida-based science team is looking at individual effects at the coral
tissue level and is seeking to improve assessments with more-consistent
laboratory exposure methods, oil compounds used, and coral species
Dawn Bickham
is a master’s student with Nova Southeastern University’s Department of
Marine and Environmental Sciences, and she helps assess the health and
recovery of shallow-water corals exposed to oil- and oil plus dispersant
mixtures. Her findings will help fill knowledge gaps regarding
sublethal oil spill effects on coral systems and help responders
determine which aspects of the Gulf are most at-risk when an oil spill
Dawn’s journey to biological research took a long and unexpected
road. After high school, she entered the United States Air Force as an
Operations Resource Manager and later completed an Information
Technology undergraduate degree at American InterContinental
University’s Florida campus. Shortly after, she began training
equestrian riders in Plantation, Florida, and shadowed equestrian
industry leaders to acquire nutrition and sports medicine skills to help
her clients. She also started diving and snorkeling and joked that if
she wasn’t on a horse, she was in the water.
(L-R) Nova Southeastern University Ph.D. student Nicholas Turner, project principal investigator Dr. Abigail Renegar, and Nova Southeastern University master’s student Dawn Bickham prepare the experimental setup for a hydrocarbon exposure trial. (Provided by Abigail Renegar)
Snorkeling sparked Dawn’s curiosity about coral biology, so she
searched for local coral research opportunities and volunteered in Dr. Abigail Renegar’s
scleractinian coral biology lab at Nova Southeastern University. She
spent more than a decade volunteering in the lab and occasionally
attended scientific conferences with Dr. Renegar, which further fueled
her captivation with coral research. When a lab position became
available, Dawn applied to the university’s biological sciences master’s
program and joined Dr. Renegar’s GoMRI-funded coral research team. “My
interactions with the oil spill community sparked my interest in oil-
and dispersant-related research and cultivated a drive to educate the
community about spilled oil’s impacts on our marine resources,” said
Dawn. “When the opportunity to work with corals in the scope of oil
spill response arose, I was excited to pursue it.”
Her Work
Dawn’s current research began with a previous collaboration between
the Renegar lab and government and response community research partners
to develop a standardized toxicity testing protocol for adult
scleractinian corals (hard corals) that considers how different coral
species respond to individual oil compounds. During that effort, the
team successfully developed and applied the protocol to one species of
shallow-water coral and demonstrated the lethal and sublethal impacts of
a single hydrocarbon. The Renegar team is building upon that work by
including more coral species and predicting the toxicity of other
individual hydrocarbons using the critical body burdens (CBB) – the
exposure levels that corals can experience before toxicity occurs, which
can cause long-term negative health effects. Their results will help
determine thresholds of acceptable/unacceptable impact on corals, help
predict impact severity, and inform oil spill responders about the
potential impacts of oil and various response methods on corals.
Dawn and her colleagues exposed five ecologically relevant coral species (Acropora cervicornis, Solenastrea bournoni, Stephanocoenia intersepta, Siderastrea siderea, and Porites astreoides)
to different hydrocarbon concentrations commonly found in Gulf of
Mexico crude oil (toluene, 1-methylnaphthalene, and phenanthrene) for 48
hours using a passive dosing method. They collected growth rate and
Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (PAM) data, which measures the corals’
photosynthetic health (how well it absorbs or reflects light), conducted
transcriptomic analyses on the coral’s RNA, and determined CBB using
visual assessments of coral condition. These metrics will help determine
the concentrations at which each hydrocarbon begins negatively
affecting the coral. The team also conducted exposures using increasing
concentrations of crude oil to validate findings from the
single-hydrocarbon experiment and conducted oil plus dispersant
exposures to learn more about effects from dispersant use near coral
After each exposure treatment, Dawn wounded the corals with a dremel
to simulate damage that might occur during response operations (from
booms or other mitigation equipment) and took photos at different time
points (at time of wound, 1 week after, 1 month after, and 3 months
after). She is analyzing approximately 800 photos to determine if there
is a correlation between oil concentration and the corals’ ability to
repair wounds. Dawn’s team plans to generate a detailed understanding of
oil toxicity for each coral species by combining the wound repair data,
the PAM data, results from the coral’s RNA transcriptomic analysis, and
CBB data from visual coral condition assessments. “All of our metrics
are put together to address the big picture of coral health, and the
outcome we’re starting to see is that corals may be much more resilient
than we expected,” said Dawn.
The team will integrate their results into existing and emerging oil
toxicity and 3D oil plume models that will visualize and predict how oil
affects corals and inform decisions related to the impact severity of
response treatments. “As long as we are using and processing oil, it’s
not if we have another oil spill disaster, it’s when,”
she said. “When we do our experiments, we want to give responders and
industry the best information possible before a spill happens.”
Dawn expressed an interest in exploring the coral’s genetic data to
observe if exposure triggered the upregulation or downregulation of any
genes that might affect the coral’s ability to recover. She speculates
that if the exposure triggered an upregulation of genes that help
protect the coral, such as mucus production, there may not be enough
energy left for the coral to repair itself when wounded. She hopes that
future experiments explore this possibility.
Her Learning
The project’s ambitious experiment schedule required much planning
and teamwork, which helped Dawn learn how to function as part of a
larger research group. She learned skills in experimental design,
workload sharing, and laboratory organization and was able to apply her
computer science background to manage the project’s large quantities of
data. She found that a big challenge of laboratory research is repeating
certain tasks over and over, but she emphasized that it is important to
conduct detailed analyses that validate one’s findings. “Completing
specific tasks multiple times can cause some people to become complacent
in those details,” she said. “We ensured that we maintained the same
quality of work through the entire process.”
Dawn is thankful that the GoMRI program helped her expand her
horizons and learn new skills. She learned the importance of having an
advisor who is understanding, eager to teach, and encourages the use of
existing knowledge to gain new knowledge. “I’m coming into this project
as a second career and, since I don’t come from a biology background,
I’m doing a lot of catch up,” she said. “Working with team members and
collaborating with industry people and researchers from other projects
has been amazing. I’ve found it a very reassuring place to be.”
Dawn hopes to find a position in industry where she can continue
working in toxicology and investigate the sublethal effects of
environmental disturbances on marine organisms.
Praise for Dawn
Dr. Renegar reflected on Dawn’s unique background as an Air Force
veteran and computer scientist. She explained that Dawn’s experiences
have granted her a level of maturity that allows her to mentor her
fellow graduate students. Since joining the lab, Dawn has become an
integral part of the lab culture and Dr. Renegar praised her eagerness
to learn new skills and apply her previous knowledge to coral biology
research. “Dawn has learned a great deal since joining the lab,” she
said. “I have been very pleased with her progress as a scientist!”
The GoMRI community embraces bright and dedicated students like Dawn Bickham and their important contributions. The GoMRI Scholars Program recognizes
graduate students whose work focuses on GoMRI-funded projects and
builds community for the next generation of ocean science professionals.
By Stephanie Ellis and Nilde Maggie Dannreuther. Contact for questions or comments.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)
is a 10-year independent research program established to study the
effect, and the potential associated impact, of hydrocarbon releases on
the environment and public health, as well as to develop improved spill
mitigation, oil detection, characterization and remediation
technologies. An independent and academic 20-member Research Board makes
the funding and research direction decisions to ensure the intellectual
quality, effectiveness and academic independence of the GoMRI research.
All research data, findings and publications will be made publicly
available. The program was established through a $500 million financial
commitment from BP. For more information, visit
These learning activities introduce students to different deep-sea organisms living in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Build a Deep-Sea Coral activity utilizes an easy craft project to get students thinking about the architecture of deep-sea corals (which is different from shallow-water corals) and the animals that live on or near the coral. Students can also discuss how corals that live without sunlight obtain their nutrition.
The Build a Deep Sea Tube Wormactivity uses a simple craft to teach students about tube worm anatomy and its unique way that tube worms obtain energy from the deep sea.
Jewels of the Gulf is a 16-minute documentary highlighting research into Deepwater Horizon’s continued impacts on deep-sea corals.
Background: On April 20th 2010, approximately 50 miles from the Louisiana coastline, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig experienced a catastrophic failure that resulted in the largest marine oil spill in history. Over the course of 87 days, an estimated 210 million gallons of oil surged into the Gulf of Mexico from a wellhead nearly one mile beneath the surface. Images in the media portrayed the dire consequences to human lives and livelihoods, animals, and shorelines. But there are impacts that the media didn’t cover — the impacts of the spill on the deepwater ecosystems of the Gulf. Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) consortium scientists are documenting the continued impacts of the accident on the unique and beautiful deep sea corals that form the basis of diverse biological communities deep beneath the Gulf’s surface.
The Research: The Jewels of the Gulf research cruise was a 12-day expedition assessing the effects of oil, methane, and chemical dispersants on deep-sea corals. Remotely operated vehicles at over 1000 meters depth captured hundreds of high-resolution still images of corals that the researchers have been monitoring since 2010. The researchers analyzed the images and compared them to those from previous expeditions to document the spill’s impacts and assess the coral’s post-spill recovery and survival. The team, led by Dr. Iliana Baums from Pennsylvania State University, collected both high-resolution images of the corals to document changes over time and live coral samples to study back in the lab. During the expedition, a live ROV camera feed was broadcast so the public could view what the scientists were seeing in real time. To learn more about the Jewels of the Gulf expedition, meet the scientists, and more, visit ECOGIG’s Cruise Blogs here.
Prior to the release of the full-length documentary, ECOGIG released three short videos using footage from the expedition that focused on different aspects of coral research.
Part 1: What is a Deep-Sea Coral?
Thousands of meters beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, ECOGIG scientists study the ecology of deep sea corals living on the seafloor. What is a deep sea coral? How do they nourish themselves in the darkness? What makes them unique?
Part 2: How Do Scientists Study Deep-Sea Corals?
ECOGIG scientists use remotely operated vehicles and high-resolution camera equipment to study deep sea ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico.
Part 3: Why Study Deep-Sea Corals?
A better understanding of deep sea corals in the Gulf of Mexico will advance our knowledge of deep sea ecosystems as well as guide management decisions in response to future disturbances.
Danielle retrieves live coral samples from an ROV quiver aboard the 2012 R/V Falkor expedition. (Provided by ECOGIG)
Responders to the Deepwater Horizon incident applied
unprecedented amounts of chemical dispersant on the surface oil slick
and into the deep underwater plume forming from the riser pipe. Shortly
thereafter, researchers observed that a brown flocculant material
containing oil and dispersant components covered some deep-sea corals
near the incident site. Danielle DeLeo,
during her graduate research, investigated oil and dispersant’s overall
toxicity on deep-sea corals and assessed genetic changes that might
help explain the resulting impacts.
Danielle assesses coral fragment health during a timed series of experimental oil and dispersant exposures aboard the 2012 R/V Falkor expedition. (Provided by ECOGIG)
Danielle fell in love with the ocean at a young age despite road
blocks she faced in her local school system. Growing up, she attended
schools with weak STEM programs and faced resistance from educators when
she expressed interest in the sciences. “As a female, my advisors never
encouraged me to pursue a major in STEM fields and, in some cases, made
me think I couldn’t hack it,” she explained. “Even so, I found a way to
turn my interests into a career that I love and became a
first-generation college graduate.”
She discovered her interest in deep-sea ecosystems as an undergraduate student at Penn State University. While working in Dr. Charles Fisher’s lab, Danielle assisted graduate students and researchers with preparations for a rapid response cruise that surveyed the Deepwater Horizon incident’s
initial effects on Gulf of Mexico coral communities. “Learning about
deep-sea habitats and the various ways in which scientists explore and
sample these environments was an eye-opening experience for me,” she
said. “I became passionate about studying the oil spill’s anthropogenic
impacts on deep-water coral communities.” Danielle completed her Ph.D.
research with Dr. Erik Cordes
at Temple University, where she worked as a member of the ECOGIG
consortium that investigates impacts from oil spills and other stressors
on deep-sea corals.
Her Work
Danielle (front) and former Penn State University graduate student Dannise Ruiz work on coral exposure experiments aboard the 2013 R/V Nautilus cruise. (Provided by ECOGIG)
Danielle conducted exposure experiments
with coral fragments for 96 hours using treatments of oil, dispersant,
and an oil-dispersant mixture. “We have no idea what actual oil and
dispersant concentrations the corals were exposed to in situ or
for what duration,” she explained. “Instead, we know what the resulting
damage or impacts looked like. Therefore, we tested a variety of
concentrations and oil-water-dispersant mixtures to see what the overall
toxicity of each was and what chemicals and/or combinations would cause
the lethality and damage we observed in situ. We chose a range of exposure concentrations for our experiments based preliminary testing to examine mortality rates.”
She conducted two exposure series. One series used whole chemical
mixtures of dissolved and undissolved portions of oil and dispersant
(high concentration 25 ppm, medium 7.9 ppm, low 0.8 ppm). The other
series used only dissolved water-accommodated fractions (based on the
highest oil concentrations detected during the spill ~300 μM to find
lethal doses, as none of the bulk-oil concentrations proved to be
lethal). Initial total hydrocarbon concentrations were high 250 μM,
medium 150 μM, and low 50 μM; and initial total dispersant
concentrations were high 176.7 mg/L, medium 106.0 mg/L, and low 35.3
Danielle monitors ROV sampling efforts in the control room aboard the 2013 R/V Nautilus cruise. (Provided by ECOGIG)
Danielle examined changes in the coral’s gene expression after
exposure using high-throughput RNA sequencing and transcriptomics. She
focused her analyses on exploring genome-wide effects underlying the
stress responses observed in floc-exposed corals, such as polyp coiling
or death, excess mucous production, damaged tissue, and exoskeletons.
Danielle observed that, at similar concentrations to the oil,
dispersant-only treatments appeared most toxic to deep-sea corals
followed by oil-dispersant mixtures and then oil alone. Dispersants
caused an overall decline in coral health and exacerbated the lethality
of oil exposure. Oil and dispersant exposures also activated the corals’
immune responses and wound-repair mechanisms, suggesting that the
corals may have been able to partially survive short-term exposures if
the technology and methodology to limit initial exposure periods at
depth existed. Her findings support a growing body of research that
suggests deep-sea dispersant applications may have had some unintended
consequences as it relates to soft coral communities. This reinforces
the need for exploring new response efforts and technology in the event
of future deep-water oil spills.
Danielle in the deep submersible vehicle Alvin at ~1100 meters depth in the Gulf of Mexico, 2014. (Provided by ECOGIG)
“These consequences are extremely important to consider for future
oil spill clean-up efforts in deep waters,” she said. “The gene
expression studies for in situ impacted corals reveal some of
the molecular-level impacts that manifested into the physical damage
observed at oil-impacted deep-water coral sites, while also elucidating
their recovery potential.”
Her Learning
Working with Dr. Cordes, Danielle conducted research aboard different
vessels, handled and cared for deep-sea specimens, and assisted with
collections using remotely operated vehicles and the deep submergence
vehicle Alvin. Her work provided many life-changing experiences that
reinforced her passion for deep-sea research. She said, “I was extremely
lucky to have the opportunity to dive in Alvin twice at deep Gulf of
Mexico sites to collect samples for my dissertation research. It was an
experience that I will always cherish.”
Her Future
Danielle boards the deep submersible Alvin for her first dive, 2014. (Provided by ECOGIG)
Danielle began a post-doctoral position in 2016 with Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom
at Florida International University exploring the evolution of
bioluminescence in deep-sea crustaceans. Now she applies the skills and
methods she learned to answer new questions about deep-sea
She advises science-interested students to explore their interests,
take risks, and seek out classes or workshops to help narrow their
interests. “As a city kid, I never imagined I would end up becoming a
marine biologist studying the deep sea,” she said. “Seek out mentors who
encourage and inspire you as well as opportunities working or
volunteering in labs or in the field. It could change your life’s path –
it did for me!”
Praise for Danielle
Danielle and Dr. Bracken-Grissom collect samples during a Florida Straits field course in 2017. (Photo Credit: Danielle DeLeo)
Dr. Cordes said that Danielle continuously impressed him during her
time at Temple University. “She took on many challenges and, through her
development of bioinformatics tools, took our research in directions
that wouldn’t have been possible before. I look forward to seeing where
her career will take her and furthering our collaboration in the
The GoMRI community embraces bright and dedicated students like Danielle DeLeo and their important contributions. The GoMRI Scholars Program recognizes
graduate students whose work focuses on GoMRI-funded projects and
builds community for the next generation of ocean science professionals.
Visit the ECOGIG website to learn more about their work.
Danielle and Dr. Bracken-Grissom deploy a mid-water trawl net aboard the R/V Bellows. (Credit: DeLeo)
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)
is a 10-year independent research program established to study the
effect, and the potential associated impact, of hydrocarbon releases on
the environment and public health, as well as to develop improved spill
mitigation, oil detection, characterization and remediation
technologies. An independent and academic 20-member Research Board makes
the funding and research direction decisions to ensure the intellectual
quality, effectiveness and academic independence of the GoMRI research.
All research data, findings and publications will be made publicly
available. The program was established through a $500 million financial
commitment from BP. For more information, visit
Paragorgia species of coral also known as “bubble gum coral” photographed in the Gulf of Mexico June 2017. Photo courtesy of ECOGIG
The Smithsonian’s Ocean Portal published an article about deep sea coral affected by the Deepwater Horizon incident and how their recovery is linked to the sea creature that lives on them. The ECOGIG
research consortium are monitoring the health of these corals over time
using high-resolution imagery, and they have made some amazing
The GoMRI is a
10-year independent research program established to study the effect,
and the potential associated impact, of hydrocarbon releases on the
environment and public health, as well as to develop improved spill
mitigation, oil detection, characterization and remediation
technologies. An independent and academic 20-member Research Board
makes the funding and research direction decisions to ensure the
intellectual quality, effectiveness and academic independence of the
GoMRI research. All research data, findings and publications will be
made publicly available. The program was established through a $500
million financial commitment from BP. For more information, visit
The Sea Grant Oil Spill Outreach Team released a publication that explains which corals were affected by the Deepwater Horizon incident and how scientists are monitoring those corals. The bulletin also describes the important roles that corals play in maintaining a healthy ocean and how corals worldwide struggle in the face of constant, multiple threats.
The bulletin, Corals and Oil Spills presents the latest science about how the oil spill affected deep-sea octocorals, some mid-depth coral, and the role that response methods, including dispersants use, played in coral health.
The Sea Grant Oil Spill Outreach Team
synthesizes peer-reviewed science for a broad range of general
audiences, particularly those who live and work across the Gulf Coast.
Sea Grant offers oil-spill-related public seminars across the Gulf
Information about upcoming Sea Grant science seminars and recently-held events is available here. To receive email updates about seminars, publications, and the outreach team, click here.
GoMRI and the Sea Grant programs of the Gulf of Mexico (Florida,
Mississippi-Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas) have partnered to create an oil spill science outreach program.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is
a 10-year independent research program established to study the effect,
and the potential associated impact, of hydrocarbon releases on the
environment and public health, as well as to develop improved spill
mitigation, oil detection, characterization and remediation
technologies. An independent and academic 20-member Research Board makes
the funding and research direction decisions to ensure the intellectual
quality, effectiveness and academic independence of the GoMRI research.
All research data, findings and publications will be made publicly
available. The program was established through a $500 million financial
commitment from BP. For more information, visit
Brittle sea stars cling to deep sea coral. Photo Credit: ECOGIG
Smithsonian’s Ocean Portal recently released a new article in partnership with the Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) consortium calledA Brittle Star May Be a Coral’s Best Friend. Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, ECOGIG researchers began studying the impacts of oil on deep sea corals. They noticed a particular type of brittle sea star, Asteroschema clavigerum, gathering on healthy portions of the octocoral Paramuricea biscaya. Scientists wondered if the brittle sea stars were avoiding damaged portions of the coral or if they were protecting them from contamination. They found that, in fact, the brittle sea stars are helping to protect corals from the impacts of oil by eating descending materials, including oil contaminants, so that they don’t accumulate on the corals’ branches.
The GoMRI is a 10-year independent research program established to study the effect, and the potential associated impact, of hydrocarbon releases on the environment and public health, as well as to develop improved spill mitigation, oil detection, characterization and remediation technologies. An independent and academic 20-member Research Board makes the funding and research direction decisions to ensure the intellectual quality, effectiveness and academic independence of the GoMRI research. All research data, findings and publications will be made publicly available. The program was established through a $500 million financial commitment from BP. For more information, visit
Fanny digitizes a high-definition image of an impacted coral colony to quantify impacts, growth, and recovery. (Photo by Cherisse DuPreez)
Deep-sea corals are important organisms that support a healthy and diverse deep-sea ecosystem. However, there is much we do not know about certain coral species, including how they grow, reproduce, or interact with other organisms. Fanny Girard’s research helps bridge that knowledge gap through her work on how disturbances such as oil spills affect deep-sea coral colonies and if those effects have lasting impacts. She hopes that her research will underline the need to protect these important deep-sea ecosystems.
Fanny takes photos of corals in the ROV control van onboard the E/V Nautilus. (Photo credit: Ocean Exploration Trust)
Fanny grew up on the Mediterranean coast of southern France and developed a special affinity for the ocean. Her desire to work on ocean related issues started when she was eleven years old, scuba diving with her mother. While pursuing a biology bachelor’s degree at Pierre and Marie Curie University, Fanny explored marine mammal ecology during internships studying whale populations in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence. Her graduate marine ecology studies at the University of Western Brittany included a course on the deep sea that inspired her to change direction. “Even though the deep sea is the largest ecosystem on earth, there is still so much to discover. That fact made me want to get involved in deep-sea research,” she said.
Fanny participated in various deep-sea research projects during her master’s work, including projects at the Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) in France and Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her master’s advisor introduced her to Pennsylvania State University’s Dr. Chuck Fisher, who offered her a Ph.D. position researching deep-sea corals for the ECOGIG project. “I had read about some of [Dr. Fisher’s work] in the Gulf of Mexico and was very excited about joining his lab,” said Fanny. “A lot of research still needs to be done to protect corals, and I really wanted to be part of this effort.”
An impacted coral imaged in 2011 (left) and 2016 (right). Part of this coral has visibly recovered, but most of the colony was still heavily impacted six years post-spill. (Image by Fanny Girard)
Her Work
Natural mortality is a rare event among deep-sea octocorals, also known as sea fans, whichhave the potential to act as sentinels for anthropogenic impacts. Fanny uses high-definition imagery to assess the Deepwater Horizon oil spill’s long-term impacts on octocorals.
Since 2010, her group’s lab has been monitoring hundreds of coral colonies at oil exposed and control sites. The team collects high-definition images of the same corals every year using ROV-mounted camera equipment. Fanny digitizes the images and identifies visible impacts to coral branches, including excess mucus, bare skeletons, and secondary colonization by hydroids. She compares the annual images to assess recovery over time and identifies factors potentially influencing recovery, which helps determine if the spill had delayed or long-term effects on the coral’s health and growth.
Her analyses suggest that while lightly-impacted corals have mostly recovered, many colonies are still unhealthy with little recovery evident. While deep-sea octocorals naturally grow extremely slowly, the growth of the impacted corals was barely detectable after six years, and significantly-impacted corals have lost branches continuously since 2011. Fanny recently authored a peer-reviewed article providing evidence that brittle stars, which live on and have a symbiotic relationship with coral colonies, appeared to protect and facilitate coral recovery.
Fanny stands in front of the ROV Global Explorer after a successful dive. She uses ROVs to image corals and collect different types of samples, including coral, water, and sediment. (Photo by Cherisse DuPreez)
The slow growth rates and abnormal branch loss that their team observed could indicate a lengthy post-oil spill recovery process. Fanny created a mathematical model that uses a matrix population model to project how many branches per coral colony will present as healthy, unhealthy, or colonized by hydroids and estimate recovery time. “The model suggests that it will take decades until all remaining branches appear healthy,” Fanny explained. “It will take another century until the lost branches have regrown.” She said that the long term image-based monitoring technique used in her research is an excellent tool to identify corals that suddenly become damaged or die, indicating an environmental disturbance.
Her Learning
Fanny experienced the most scientific growth while working with her advisors, Drs. Chuck Fisher and Iliana Baums, conducting field work aboard research cruises. Since beginning her Ph.D., she has participated in at least one research cruise each year and acted as chief scientist during a 2016 cruise. She says that the interdisciplinary nature of expeditions gave her a greater appreciation for other fields and introduced her to people who share her passion for the environment. The experiences taught her important skills for conducting research expeditions, such as coordinating between scientists, crew members, and ROV teams. “Making connections is extremely important for graduate students to find employers and identify future collaborations, but it can also be very difficult,” said Fanny. “I think being part of the GoMRI science community really facilitated that process.”
Her Future
Fanny plans to continue studying the deep sea and hopes her research can help protect and restore vulnerable ecosystems. She is considering post-doc opportunities, possibly in Europe, but is willing to travel anywhere for the right project. She advises students considering a scientific career to follow their passion, even if it seems difficult. As an undergraduate student, Fanny often expressed a desire to go on expeditions and study the ocean. However, most people dismissed her goals because of limited job opportunities and advised her to pursue a more mainstream profession. “I didn’t listen, and now I’m doing what I love,” she said. “I think if you are determined and love what you are doing, you will succeed.”
Praise for Fanny
Dr. Fisher said that Fanny has been an important asset to his team’s research since her first day. He explained that she developed the research methods used to demonstrate and quantify the brittle stars’ beneficial effects on oil-impacted coral’s recovery on her own. “Fanny is a pleasure to work with and has taken our research in new and exciting directions,” he said. “Most recently, she developed a mathematical model to predict the eventual fate of long-lived corals impacted by the oil spill.”
The GoMRI community embraces bright and dedicated students like Fanny Girard and their important contributions. The GoMRI Scholars Program recognizes graduate students whose work focuses on GoMRI-funded projects and builds community for the next generation of ocean science professionals. Visit the ECOGIG website to learn more about their work.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is a 10-year independent research program established to study the effect, and the potential associated impact, of hydrocarbon releases on the environment and public health, as well as to develop improved spill mitigation, oil detection, characterization and remediation technologies. An independent and academic 20-member Research Board makes the funding and research direction decisions to ensure the intellectual quality, effectiveness and academic independence of the GoMRI research. All research data, findings and publications will be made publicly available. The program was established through a $500 million financial commitment from BP. For more information, visit
Deepwater coral reefs, aptly known as cold-water coral reefs, can be formed by the carbon created when bacteria biodegrade oil from natural seeps nearby. Oil spills can be easily devastating to coral reefs, ranging from the reefs at the surface of the water, directly subsurface, and even cold-water corals. Continue reading →